This weeks fixtures


Wednesday 22nd January

Venue TBC

6.20pm Eccey Eagles vs 7UP

7pm Thundercats vs Unite

7.40pm Hoopsie Daises vs Farsley (Friendly)

8.20pm Vixens vs Gems

Dixons Unity

7pm Pudsey vs Goals Aloud

7.40pm Phoenix vs Nets Go

8.20pm Carr Manor vs Hoops & Brutes

Wednesday 4th September

Leeds City Academy

6.40pm Physio 17-13 Goal Diggers

Nicola Brown & Rebecca Moore

7.20pm Yeti’s 16-30 Unite

Hannah Cheshire & Leah Flanagan

8pm Carr Manor 25-17 Hooplas

Kate Thomson & Alex Johnston-Hume

8.40pm Gems 11-20 Basic Pitches

Gabby Cocking & Lottie Exton


7pm Eccey Eagles 7-46 Blazers

Chloe Lambert & Ellie Ager

7.40pm Hoopsie Daises 30-12 Hoops & Brutes

Taryn Moss & Katie Watkins

8.20pm Pudsey 17-25 Phoenix

Ashleigh Smeeton & Victoria Yusuf

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Aireheads 0-20 Farsley (forfeit)

7pm Untouchables 20-7 Nets Go

Elissa Wheats & Sadie Cooper

7.40pm Thundercats 29-28 Vixens

Sian Goodbold & Nikki Managh

8.20pm 7UP 28-14 Goals Aloud

Nilaa Subendran & Georgina Sugden

No game – Abbey Ants, Alphas, Leeds Art, Walker Morris

Wednesday 11th September

Leeds City Academy

6.40pm 7UP 23-17 Nets Go

Nilaa Subendran & Isabelle Plowman

7.20pm Walker Morris 13-18 Goals Aloud

Freya George & Molly Barnes

8pm Goal Diggers 11-19 Vixens

Saskia Solomons & Maddie Best

8.40pm Unite 26-13 Physio

Leah Flanagan & Lindsay


7pm Alphas 23-14 Hoops & Brutes

Aimee Halifax & Meghan Thomson

7.40pm Carr Manor 18-5 Farsley

Laura Clabon & Paige Henry

8.20pm Hooplas 22-27 Aireheads

Paige Henry & Lara Broadwell

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Eccey Eagles 12-23 Pudsey

Paris Crookes & Hannah Karnacz

7pm Thundercats 22-11 Basic Pitches

Sian Goodbold & Orla Duffy

7.40pm Abbey Ants 34-15 Yeti’s

Louise Wakenshaw & Kate Imeson

8.20pm Untouchables 11-17 Blazers

Philippa Cooke & Charlie McNichol

Game off – Gems, Leeds Art, Hoopsie Daises & Phoenix


Wednesday 18th September

Leeds City Academy

6.40pm Nets Go 31-13 Walker Morris

Isabelle Ploughman & Isabelle Marshall

7.20pm Vixens 11-27 Unite

Rebecca Carr & Leah Flanagan

8pm Physio 22-37 Abbey Ants

Maddy Bickley & Louise Wakenshaw

8.40pm Hoopsie Daises 34-29 Alphas

Isla Swarbrigg & Charlotte Halifax


7pm Phoenix 31-21 Eccey Eagles

Gina Melling & Chloe Lambert

7.40pm Basic Pitches 27-16 Goal Diggers

Aileen Duffy & Bee Haley

8.20pm Carr Manor 24-16 Aireheads

Laura Clabon & Maleehah Qadim

WHG Barn

6.20pm Blazers 15-14 7UP

Sam Grime & Nilaa Subendran

7pm Hooplas 30-16 Farsley

Louise Todd & Holly Woods

7.40pm Pudsey 17-15 Untouchables

Ashleigh Smeaton & Victoria Foster

8.20pm Gems 7-20 Thundercats

Sophie Warner & George Harrison

Game off – Yeti’s, Hoops & Brutes, Leeds Art & Goals Aloud 


Wednesday 25th September

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Carr Manor 18-24 Leeds Art

Laura Claybon & Nell Sidwell

7pm Unite 17-17 Basic Pitches

Heather Kendall & Sarina Wild-Blood

7.40pm Untouchables 28-6 Phoenix

Tori Foster & Lydia Eardley

8.20pm Yeti’s 15-17 Physio

Nicola Brown

9pm Farsley 17-22 Hoopsie Daises

Evie Lawrence & Felicia Sutton

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Abbey Ants 33-18 Vixens

Phillipa Stanworth & Daisy Christie

7.40pm Hooplas 25-27 Alphas

Jenna Wood & Laura Pickering

8.20pm Goal Diggers 31-14 Gems

Alex Wareham & Fran Baxter

WHG Barn

6.20pm Goals Aloud 23-15 Nets Go

Rachel Patterson & Louise Oddy

7pm Aireheads 23-7 Hoops & Brutes

Bianca Mitchell & Rebecca Harvey

7.40pm 7UP 9-19 Pudsey

Laura Sudall & India Heppel

8.20pm Walker Morris 14-33 Blazers

Georgina Gamble & Ellie Agar

Game off – Thundercats & Eccey Eagles


Wednesday 2nd October

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Hooplas 9-34 Leeds Art

Alice Briggs & Amelia Arnolin

7pm Carr Manor 28-24 Alphas

Sophie Hollis & Francis Massey

7.40pm Abbey Ants 35-5 Basic Pitches

Louise Wakenshaw & Aileen Duffy

8.20pm 7UP 22-9 Phoenix

Nilaa Subendran & Jane Holmes

9pm Unite 12-32 Gems

Rachel Arnott & Fran

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Walker Morris 18-23 Pudsey

Georgina Campbell & Ashleigh Smeeton

7.40pm Yeti’s 32-22 Vixens 

Millie Pryke & Alex Johnson

8.20pm Farsley 15-21 Hoops & Brutes

Holly Woods & Katie Watkins

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Goal Diggers 15-15 Thundercats

Mai Rascoe & Alyssa Francis

7pm Goals Aloud 12-26 Blazers

Rachel Laycock & Sam Grime

7.40pm Hoopsie Daises 11-14 Aireheads

Becky Moore & Maisie McDowell

8.20pm Untouchables 34-7 Eccey Eagles 

Rosie Allsopp & Chloe Lambert

Game off – Physio & Nets Go


Wednesday 9th October

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Farsley 20-76 Leeds Art (Double Header)

Zara Knapton & Emma Vince

7pm Vixens 22-26 Physio

Daisy Christie & Sian Foley

7.40pm Phoenix 14-30 Walker Morris

Sara Anning & Isabelle Marshall

8.20pm Carr Manor 26-14 Hoopsie Daises

Rose Montague & Felicia Sutton

9pm Basic Pitches 14-21 Yeti’s

Lottie Exton & Harriet Cheshire

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Hooplas 27-20 Hoops & Brutes

Nikki Shaw & Katie Watkin

7.40pm Gems 0-20 Abbey Ants (Friendly/Forfeit)

Olivia Cranmer & Debbie Walsh

8.20pm Aireheads 25-17 Alphas

Amy Forbes & Laura Dixon

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Pudsey 19-22 Goals Aloud

Ashleigh Smeaton & Rachel Paterson

7pm Blazers 30-3 Nets Go

Charlie McNicol & Louise Oddy

7.40pm Thundercats 16-7 Unite

Alyssa Francis & Nilaa Subendran

8.20pm Eccey Eagles 8-26 7UP

Paris Crooker & Nilaa Subendran

Game off – Goal Diggers & Untouchables


Wednesday 16th October

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Leeds Art 30-38 Alphas (Double Header)

Kiera Mclennon & Millie Christie

7.40pm Unite 20-15 Goal Diggers

Rachel Symons & Hannah Holdsworth

8.20pm Physio 20-15 Basic Pitches 

Jess Noble & Ava Arundale

Pudsey Grammar

6.40pm Nets Go 21-23 Pudsey

Louise Oddy & Ellie Clark

7.20pm Walker Morris 31-6 Eccey Eagles

Ellis Cleland & Billie Lambert

8pm Goals Aloud 17-15 Phoenix

India Heppel & Victoria Yusuf

Woodhouse Grove Barn

7pm 7UP 25-15 Untouchables

Nilaa Subendran & Philippa Cooke

7.40pm Abbey Ants 15-14 Thundercats

Helen Higgins & Alyssa Francis

8.20pm Yeti’s 13-18 Gems

Hannah Cheshire & Laura Dixon

Game off – Blazers, Vixens & rest of Div 2 sides not named above


Wednesday 23rd October

Leeds City Academy – all games postponed

6.20pm Basic Pitches vs Vixens

7pm Carr Manor vs Hoops & Brutes

7.40pm Hooplas vs Hoopsie Daises

8.20pm Gems vs Physio

9pm Phoenix vs Nets Go

Woodhouse Grove

8pm Untouchables 31-10 Walker Morris

Elissa Wheat & Lucy Wild

8.40pm Goal Diggers 11-24 Abbey Ants

Alison Thwaites & Beth Maull

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Eccey Eagles 4-19 Goals Aloud

Chloe Lambert & Olivia Wagstaff

7pm Farsley 14-25 Alphas

Lauren Betteridge & Aimee Halifax

7.40pm Thundercats 36-12 Yeti’s

Jess Cochrane & Kate Imeson

8.20pm Pudsey 23-22 Blazers

Chantelle Crowther & Natalie Butterfield

Game off – Unite & 7UP

Aireheads vs Leeds Art – Postponed


Wednesday 30th October 

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Leeds Art 27-18 Hoopsie Daises

Emilia Armolin & Zoe Kane

7pm Abbey Ants 38-12 Unite

Stacey Kirton & Emily Towell

7.40pm Yeti’s 26-18 Goal Diggers

Hannah Cheshire & Debbie Gathercole

8.20pm Vixens 28-19 Gems

Beth Speechley & Claire Johnson

9pm Walker Morris 23-24 7UP

Ellis Cleland & Nilaa Subendran

Woodhouse Grove Barn

6.40pm Nets Go 24-18 Eccey Eagles

Megan Little & Chloe Lambert

7.20pm Goals Aloud 20-13 Untouchables

Naomi Carson & Phillipa Cooke

8pm Blazers 34-10 Phoenix

Faye Croxen & Gina Melling

8.40pm Physio 8-18 Thundercats

Vicky Dupreez & Alex Coulson

Game off – Basic Pitches, Pudsey & rest of Div 2 sides not named above


Wednesday 6th November

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Alphas 9-46 Leeds Art

Mollie Flanagan & Amelia Armolin

7pm Physio 10-16 Goal Diggers

Sophie Wood & Debbie Gathercole

7.40pm Yeti’s 22-24 Unite

Kate Imeson & Emily Towell

8.20pm Carr Manor 24-24 Hooplas

Esme T & Alice Briggs

9pm Gems 25-1 Basic Pitches

Fran Baxter & Orla Duffy

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Untouchables 22-12 Nets Go

Philippa Cook & Sadie Cooper

7.40pm Hoopsie Daises 26-19 Hoops & Brutes

Liz Hardy & Lily Earnshaw

8.20pm Pudsey 14-10 Phoenix

Carol Brewer & Oli Dickinson

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Eccey Eagles 9-32 Blazers 

Bella Lambert & Ellie Agar

7pm Aireheads 27-18 Farsley

Lara Broadwell & Eve Groom

7.40pm Thundercats 24-13 Vixens

Sian Goodbold & Romilly Benson

8.20pm 7UP 20-15 Goals Aloud

Noe Tshabangu & Georgina Sugden

No game – Abbey Ants & Walker Morris


Wednesday 13th November

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Leeds Art 48-20 Hoopsie Daises

Emma Vince & Zoe Kane

7pm 7UP 26-11 Nets Go

Rooks Ahmed & Charlotte Lee

7.40pm Walker Morris 8-31 Goals Aloud

Ellis Cleland & Georgina Sugden

8.20pm Goal Diggers 30-17 Vixens

Debbie Gathercole & Nicki Managh

9pm Unite 11-25 Physio

Rachel Symons & Lisa Grant

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Alphas 17-19 Hoops & Brutes

Daisy Chrisitie & Emmie Carter

7.40pm Carr Manor 36-13 Farsley

Jan Thomson & Holly Woods

8.20pm Abbey Ants 29-21 Yeti’s

Claire Pitt & Hannah Cheshire

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Eccey Eagles 14-22 Pudsey

Paris Crookes & Ashleigh Smeaton

7pm Thundercats 22-24 Basic Pitches

Denise Pritchell & Ava Arundel

7.40pm Hooplas 28-29 Aireheads

Nikki Shaw & Amy Forbes

8.20pm Untouchables 17-21 Blazers

JJ Stiff & Sam Grime

Game off – Gems & Phoenix


Wednesday 20th November

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Hoops & Brutes 22-54 Leeds Art (Double Header)

Tegan K & Kira McLennon

7pm Nets Go 13-17 Walker Morris

Sadie Cooper & Isabelle Marshall

7.40pm Vixens 20-25 Unite

Laura Shepherd & Eva Palfreeman

8.20pm Physio 13-41 Abbey Ants

Natalie Primavera & Helen Higgins

9pm Hoopsie Daises 18-31 Alphas

Liz Hardy & Francis Massey

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Hooplas 27-15 Farsley

Belinda Haley & Jasmine Duncan

7.40pm Basic Pitches 24-20 Goal Diggers

Emma Woolford & Debbie Gathercole

8.20pm Carr Manor 18-20 Aireheads

Rose Montague & Alex Reddish

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Blazers 29-18 7UP

Natalie Butterfield & Ruky Ahmed

7pm Phoenix 13-14 Eccey Eagles

Camilla Bampton & Billie Lambert

7.40pm Pudsey 15-24 Untouchables

Abi Mason & JJ Stiff

8.20pm Gems 9-16 Thundercats

Gaby Cocking & Alyssa Francis

Game off – Yeti’s, Hoops & Brutes, Leeds Art & Goals Aloud 


Wednesday 27th November

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Carr Manor 20-0 Leeds Art (forfeit)

7pm Unite 25-16 Basic Pitches

Megan Pooler & Orla Duffy

7.40pm Untouchables 31-5 Phoenix

Rosie Allsopp & Gina Melling

8.20pm Yeti’s 32-22 Physio

Hannah Cheshire & Nicola Brown

9pm Farsley 14-19 Hoopsie Daises

Becca Dunstan & Jess Lofthouse

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Abbey Ants 45-14 Vixens

Isla Mathey & Laura Shepherd

7.40pm Aireheads 17-11 Hoops & Brutes

Maleehah Qadim & Mami Seck

8.20pm Goal Diggers 17-19 Gems

Hannah Holdsworth & Liberty Redding

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Goals Aloud 22-23 Nets Go

Liv Wagg & Sadie Cooper

7pm Hooplas 25-17 Alphas

Louise Todd & Charlotte Halifax

7.40pm 7UP 33-9 Pudsey

Nilaa Subendran & Alex Johnston-Hume

8.20pm Walker Morris 9-41 Blazers

Isobel Marshall & Natalie Butterfield

Game off – Thundercats & Eccey Eagles


Wednesday 4th December

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Hooplas 25-38 Leeds Art

Alex Johnston-Hume & Nell Sidwell

7pm Carr Manor 26-11 Alphas

Sophie Hallis & Mollie Flanagan

7.40pm Abbey Ants 29-17 Basic Pitches

Alice Tyer & Ava Arundel

8.20pm 7UP 19-18 Phoenix

Shazia Khaloon & Melissa Little

9pm Unite 22-12 Gems

Megan Pooler & Georgia Oldroyd

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Walker Morris 20-0 Pudsey (friendly)

Ellis Cleland & Carol Brewer

7.40pm Hoopsie Daises 18-21 Aireheads

Felicia Sutton & Lydia Wood

8.20pm Yeti’s 26-20 Vixens 

Beth Grestui & Romilly Benson

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Goal Diggers 13-26 Thundercats

Debbie Gathercole & Sian Goodbold

7pm Goals Aloud 17-25 Blazers

Sian Goodbold & Lauren Carney

7.40pm Untouchables 32-5 Eccey Eagles

Rosie Allsopp & Daisy Lamber

8.20pm Farsley 24-9 Hoops & Brutes

Beth Smith & Claudia Urry

Game off – Physio & Nets Go


Wednesday 11th December 

Leeds City Academy

6.20pm Basic Pitches 25-24 Vixens (Double Header)

Charlotte Reed & Mia Smith

7pm Carr Manor 22-10 Hoops & Brutes

Laura Clabon & Bridget Bradbury

7.40pm Hooplas 34-16 Hoopsie Daises

Alex Johnston-Hume & Felica Sutton

8.20pm Gems 20-12  Physio

Fran Baxter & Lucy Worstenholme

9pm Phoenix 9-9 Nets Go

Gina Melling & Louise Oddy

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Aireheads 40-0 Leeds Art (Double Header) (forfeit)

7.40pm Untouchables 23-22 Walker Morris

Rosie Allsop & Freya George

8.20pm Farsley 19-20 Alphas 

Paige Henry & Daisy Christie

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Goal Diggers 16-16 Abbey Ants

Alison Thwaites & Stacey Kirton

7pm Eccey Eagles 16-30 Goals Aloud

Chloe Lambert & Lara Broadwell

7.40pm Thundercats 35-19 Yeti’s

Sarah M & Emily Airey

8.20pm Pudsey 12-28 Blazers 

Carol Brewer & Natalie Butterfield

Game off – Unite & 7UP


Wednesday 18th December

Leeds City Academy

6.40pm Basic Pitches 35-17 Yeti’s

Jessie Ducker & Georgina Morrill

7.20pm Vixens 28-22 Physio

Maddie Best & Vicky Durpreez

8pm Phoenix 15-10 Walker Morris

Kelly McHugh & Freya George

8.40pm Carr Manor 39-17 Hoopsie Daises

Laura Claybon & Ally Taft

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Hooplas 26-24 Hoops & Brutes

Sadie Cooper & Kelsey Walker

7.40pm Aireheads 17-14 Alphas

Lara Broadwell & Paige O’Leary

8.20pm Gems 12-42 Abbey Ants

Fran Baxter & Megan Anderson

Pudsey Grammar – CANCELLED

6.20pm Pudsey vs Goals Aloud

7pm Blazers vs Nets Go

7.40pm Thundercats vs Unite

8.20pm Eccey Eagles vs 7UP

Game off – Goal Diggers & Untouchables, Farsley & Leeds Art


Deadline to opt out for the new season


Wednesday 8th January

Cancelled due to Snow

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Nets Go vs Pudsey

7.40pm Unite vs Goal Diggers

8.20pm Goals Aloud vs Phoenix

Pudsey Grammar

6.40pm Hooplas vs Alphas (Friendly)

7.20pm Walker Morris vs Eccey Eagles

8pm Physio vs Basic Pitches

8.40pm Farsley vs Aireheads (Friendly)

Leeds City Academy

6.40pm 7UP vs Untouchables

7.20pm Abbey Ants vs Thundercats

8pm Carr Manor vs Vixens (Friendly)

8.40pm Yeti’s vs Gems

Game off – Blazers & Div 2 sides not named above


Wednesday 15th January

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Pudsey vs Hoops 11-15 Brutes (Friendly)

Ashleigh Smeaton & Emmie Carter

7.40pm Basic Pitches 13-22 Carr Manor (Friendly)

Lottie Exton & Sophie Hollis

8.20pm Hooplas 28-30 Hoopsie Daises

Louise Todd & Becky Moore

Pudsey Grammar (Cancelled due to exams) – Results to be used from games 30th October

6.20pm Nets Go 24-18 Eccey Eagles

7pm Goals Aloud 20-13 Untouchables

7.40pm Blazers 34-10 Phoenix

8.20pm Physio 8-18 Thundercats

Game off – Any sides not named above


Wednesday 22nd January

Venue TBC

6.20pm Eccey Eagles vs 7UP

7pm Thundercats vs Unite

7.40pm Hoopsie Daises vs Farsley (Friendly)

8.20pm Vixens vs Gems

Dixons Unity

7pm Pudsey vs Goals Aloud

7.40pm Phoenix vs Nets Go

8.20pm Carr Manor vs Hoops & Brutes


Wednesday 29th January

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Goals Aloud vs Eccey Eagles (Friendly)

7pm Blazers vs Nets Go

7.40pm Yeti’s vs Goal Diggers

8.20pm Aireheads vs Alphas (Friendly)

Dixons Unity

7pm Abbey Ants vs Unite

7.40pm Walker Morris vs 7UP

8.20pm Gems vs Physio


Wednesday 5th February

Dixons Unity (Swallow Hill)

7pm Nets Go vs Pudsey

7.40pm Unite vs Goal Diggers

8.20pm Goals Aloud vs Phoenix

Pudsey Grammar

6.20pm Hooplas vs Alphas (Friendly)

7pm Walker Morris vs Eccey Eagles

7.40pm Abbey Ants vs Thundercats

8.20pm Farsley vs Aireheads (Friendly)

Leeds City Academy

6.40pm 7UP vs Untouchables

7.20pm Physio vs Basic Pitches

8pm Carr Manor vs Vixens (Friendly)

8.40pm Yeti’s vs Gems

Game off – Any sides not named above


New season set to start Wednesday 12th February!

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